Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Avengers movie expectations

With the close released of this amazing movie I'm expecting a lot of incredible things that possibly will surpass the previous movie,
First of all the new characters that will appear in the movie will increased the Marvel Universe and that will be very important for the public to know more about this universe, also there will be an important character development that will let us to know more about their personalities.
Also the action that will featured this movie must be very intense so attract more people to watch it!
I'm not a comix fan but for what I know and asked to people who have read the comix they told me that they will change some important facts to satisfy the adaptation like the creation of Ultron that originally was created by other character in the Marvel Universe and not by Tony Stark (Iron Man)

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Personally I'm looking forward to this movie and I want to watch it twice to see every detail and of course the famous "Easter Egg" where Stan Lee appear in all Marvel movies, and the most important thing that I'm excited about this movie is to go with friends and have a good time with them watching this so waited movie! 

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